The Travel and Adventure show is a must for those of you with the travel bug. Complete with vendors and celebrity speakers, it is the place to gather travel information, ideas, and perhaps even catch your favorite travel show host giving a seminar.
The Pennsylvania Convention Center was filled with vendors, all ready to provide information regarding their respective destinations. If you’re unsure of your next adventure, this is an opportunity to explore your options. Talk to the vendors—ask questions—and discover what each place has to offer. This just may help you decide where you want to go. There are even a number of travel agents on hand ready to book your next adventure if you so desire.
Personally, my favorite aspect of the show are the speakers. They are always entertaining and full of useful information. Learn how to secure hotels and flights at the lowest rates, discover amazing bargain destinations many don’t know about, how to pack, what to bring, etc. The list goes on. They’ll tell you how to travel—for instance making it a point to walk random streets not on your itinerary or interacting with locals. These tips can truly change the way you take in your experiences to ensure they become memories you will not soon forget.
Andrew McCarthy
The first speaker was Andrew McCarthy. You know—St. Elmo’s Fire, Pretty in Pink, Mannequin (ironically filmed just a few blocks away), and of course, A Weekend at Bernies! Yes . . . that Andrew McCarthy. Why would he be at a travel show you may ask? As it goes, he is also a travel writer. He was quite enjoyable to listen to and provided some great insight. Here is a brief summary of his seminar as I interpreted it.
- The best way to see a city is on your feet: Walk everywhere! His seminar included a video he had made of 42nd street in NYC, walking from one end to the other. He explained this is a town he’s lived in for roughly forty years on a street he has been on numerous times. However, after walking the entire stretch he realized he had noticed things that he had never noticed before. Slowly making his way on foot gave him a different different perspective.
- Interact with locals and go off the beating path: This is sure to leave lasting impressions. He painted a picture of a time before GPS (which he claims, in a certain sense, ruined travel) in which you’re driving through Ireland and your lost. You pass through random towns before stopping at a random pub. You enter and tell them you have no idea where you are. Before you know it, you’re having a pint with a group of new friends. I personally feel this is a memory you will embrace. He points out that we visit these places to see sights and attractions, but often we don’t remember what we saw, yet you remember the situations you were in. You’ll never forget the crazy waiter for instance.
- There is no best place to visit, however . . . When asked this question, he pointed out that every place has it’s specialty and there’s no correct answer. However, Ireland meets all expectations.
- International vs. domestic travel: He seemed to prefer international travel. He points out there is nothing unpatriotic about it (to address the people who cry, “what’s wrong with our country?”). There is plenty to see in our country, but travel is often about experiences, not just seeing sights. Traveling internationally introduces you to different cultures, which naturally providing amazing experiences.
- Best place for first time international traveler: When asked about the best place to visit internationally for a first time international traveler, naturally English speaking countries top the list. Ireland would be a good start. Not only do they speak English, they are also very welcoming. Next up? Perhaps Great Britain. Then on to non-English speaking countries that are known to have strong English speaking sections, such as Amsterdam. Progressively venture into new territories.
- There can be a difference between a vacation and travel/adventure: The story he tells of vacationing is going to the beach, plopping down in the chair, and relaxing as the day goes by. Doesn’t sound too bad. Travel/adventure, however, is being lost in Rome, looking for the Coliseum (lost of course), not asking for directions, making your way through street after street, and then . . . there it is. That moment you see it you come to a stop and take it all in. I loved his distinction between a vacation and an adventure because I agree with the way he presented it. I’m the adventure person (sounds like McCarthy is too). As much as I’d love to sit in a beach chair and relax, I feel like I’m missing something. I’d rather be out discovering something new or taking in a new experience. As McCarthy put it, you’ll probably never remember that day on the beach, but you’ll never forget that moment the Coliseum came into view.

The Booze Traveler . . . Jack Maxwell
For four years, Jack Maxwell was the host of the Travel Channel hit TV show, Booze Traveler. What’s not to like about that combination? These days, Maxwell hosts a podcast called, I Don’t Drink Alone. We were in for a special treat. Maxwell recorded a live taping of the show for us.
If you’re a fan of Booze Traveller, you know the energy and passion Maxwell brings to the table. The show couldn’t have been any more entertaining. Shots of aquavit (compliments of Milan Club Philly) were dispensed to the audience. Unfortunately I missed out on that, still entertaining nonetheless.
Maxwell focused on what seemed to be a recurring theme from various speakers: interact with others. He explains that his show, though centered around booze, it is not necessarily a drinking show. His focus seemed to be more on his explorations and interacting with people along the way. The drink is merely a common bond that ties them all together. There are very few cultures around the world that do not enjoy the pleasures of sharing a beer, wine, or spirits with one another. Regardless of race, creed, age, political views, etc., we can sit down and enjoy a drink with anyone. When Maxwell travels, it appears he can always bond with locals over a drink. Hence the title to his podcast, I don’t Drink Alone.
Angel Castellano
Technology expert Angel Castellanos of naturally focused on the tech side of travel. Whether it was on what electronics to bring with you, apps you should have on your phone, or how to pack, Angel provided a list of useful information.
A few mentions I took note of that are worth looking into: MyTSA app, security PreCheck, CLEAR, TripIt app, and Mobile Passport app. The importance of a VPN was stressed. This is used on mobile devices such as cell phones, iPads, laptops, etc. to allow for secure internet browsing. Please check out Angel’s website for a comprehensive explanation of their uses and how they will make your travels easier.
The Conahan Experience
As enjoyable as the Philadelphia Travel and Adventure show might have been, the day would not have been a true Conahan Experience without a little food and beverage of my own. So let’s see how my day went, shall we?
It began at the famous Reading Terminal Market right at the Pennsylvania Convention Center with a breakfast sandwich from the Market Bakery. Not a bad start!
Following the show, a short walk took me to Zavino, a pizza and wine bar on 13th and Sansom. Here I enjoyed a Polpettini pizza: ricotta stuffed veal meatballs, mozzarella, crushed tomato, basil, and shaved provolone. Not too shabby! Naturally this went down with a glass of wine.

One final stop before the day concluded was to the Varga Bar a few blocks away on Spruce Street. This is another wine bar, yet I chose the Varga Bar for their beer. You see, they have two styles of beers on cask. Cask beers are commonplace in England but very rare here in the states. On a recent visit to London, I simply fell in love with this style of beer. It is an unfiltered, unpasteurized beer without additional carbon dioxide or nitrogen pressure. What that means . . . no bloating. Brilliant!
These two wonderful cask style beers concluded the enjoyable day that was the 2019 Philadelphia Travel and Adventure Show. I look forward to returning in 2020. I encourage you to attend. Please note the show is held in multiple cities across the country. Check out their site for locations and dates: